3 Tips to Prevent Basement Window Well Leaking

Basement window well leaking can cause major damage to your home or property. Fortunately, there are several simple solutions to prevent water from getting in around your window wells. Start by checking the conditions of current drains and windows, then finish with a custom polycarbonate window well cover to ensure optimal leak protection and safety for your family.
1) Check Drains
Every basement window well should have a drain system installed to direct water away from the foundation and windows. If you have a window well without a drain or the drains have been damaged, contact a professional to make repairs immediately. You’ll also want to clean away any debris that may be covering or clogging drains.
Downspouts and gutters should also be checked and cleaned. Clogs in these areas can stop water from flowing away from the house properly and contribute to leaks and damage.
While you are cleaning up excess dirt and leaves, you should also check the gravel and grading around the window wells. Gravel can collect dirt and other debris and create barriers that trap water and keep it near the house. Also, over time the grading of the land and gravel may have started sloping toward the foundation instead of away from it. Make sure the area is clean by replacing old gravel and dirt and sloping the ground away from the house.
2) Check Windows
Inspect all the windows on the basement level and make sure everything is sealed. You may need to recaulk the edges of the windows for a proper seal or even replace old windows. If water has been reaching the windows for a while, the framing may have been damaged and begun to rot. Also, the wear and tear from the elements can take a toll on the strength of the windows and their ability to withstand pressure.
3) Install Basement Window Well Covers
Your last, and possibly most important, step is to install basement window well covers. Wasatch Window Well Covers has the perfect solution for protecting your home from leaks and keeping your family safe outside. Our polycarbonate window well covers are built to withstand the elements with an anti-corrosive coating and military grade aluminum frame. They can hold more than 400 pounds, which means if your kids or pets stand on them, there is no risk of falling into a window well and getting hurt.
Our window well covers are custom designed for a true and snug fit to ensure a proper seal. They are constructed to slope outward and direct runoff away from the foundation of the house or building, keeping your basement dry.
Check out our incredible window well covers today, then feel free to contact us here if you have any questions!